Literacy for early years

Sort the vowels and consonants (Maltese version)
This product includes the sheet to sort out the words and 26 words with pictures. Have your students look at the words provided and read them. At the back of each word, there is a picture of it for those who find it difficult to read it. Then have your students sort out the words by putting them into the correct shape.
This product is in Maltese

English Table Alphabet Strips
Attach these to your student tables so it can help them out while writing during their school day. These table strips are in English and are available in 2 versions. You can either tape these to the kids tables or use them as flashcards.

Table Strips with Alphabet and Numbers in English and Maltese
Attach these to your student tables so it can help them out while writing during their school day. These table strips are in English and Maltese and are available in 2 versions. You can either tape these to the kids tables or use them as flashcards.